
Energy Access in Latin America

  • Over 1.3 billion people worldwide lack access to energy, 31 million of who live in Latin America.1 Millions of people lack access to other basic services, such as improved drinking water and clean cookstoves. Worldwide, 783 million people lack access to clean drinking water2 and 3 billion people still use unhealthy, inefficient stoves to cook their food each day.3
  • Cleantech products, such as solar lights and improved cookstoves, are available to meet the basic needs of people living at the base of the economic pyramid; however, many people are not able to access these life-enhancing products. Lack of awareness of these innovative products, high ‘last mile’ distribution costs, and lack of consumer credit are the greatest obstacles that prevent the rapid uptake of cleantech products. PowerMundo provides solutions to these challenges.
  1. IEA, World Energy Outlook 2011
  2. WHO 2012
  3. Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves